The integration of design, user function and interactive connectivity, affects the “me” in the world - how individuals, as sole beings or an amalgam of society, respond, engage with OBJECTS, within SPACES and ONE ANOTHER.


That's my design worldview - limitless and uber-connected, with design work that ranges from -

logos, books, photographic imagery, posters, curriculum & event design, toys, reimagining architectural space, color consult,

costuming for trade shows & theatre...


gifts gleaned - While working at Second City, I learned that the improv rule “yes, and...” applied to life, and design, is a game changer. An amazing exchange of possibilities is allowed to develop. Everyone has something of value to share. Being open to those voices grows knowledge and understanding.


travel - exploration local and global for pleasure and connectivity including building houses in Guatemala, mission work in South Africa, living at Shakespeare and Company in Paris, exploring Australia's Snowy Mountains on horseback


loves - delving into the who, what, when, where, how and why of all aspects of art opera - One of my favorites to date is the Robert Carsen production of Iphigenia. The use of chalk, water, bodies and light is visually brilliant. Books are treasures of knowledge and pleasure. One rainy day I reshelved by chroma. film hiking kayaking and white water rafting...let's go! design that makes my heart skip a beat engaging in dialogue, discussing the effects, the relevance and the potential future of things. I'm curious by nature.   dogs


“...contributed significantly to our success during her to work well with different people and different personalities in order to achieve the goals of the to create, plan, organize, manage, deliver and bring closure to the event.  The programs were vibrant, thought provoking, challenging and inspiring.

I heartily give my unreserved support and feel that individuals she will work with are very fortunate.”

-Andrew Johnson


“I do not use the word ‘vision’ loosely in describing what Gail put together in establishing the Passports to Discovery program. Passports continues – some twenty years after its inception – to be one of the integral and most anticipated pieces to our second grade curriculum, largely untouched from its original development.”

-Dr. Brian Barnhart, Superintendent District 101


University of Illinois College of Architecture, Design and the Arts BFA Graphic Design / Studio Art AIGA member


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